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I'm interested in teaching you everything they should, but don't. The things like how you think that is unique to you, or understanding how to not only get the most out of yourself, but those around you. 

.09% - that is the probability of an American High School basketball player playing professionally at some point in their career. I am fortunate enough to be able to say I spent ten years traveling the world, being paid to play a game. Between my collegiate and professional careers, I went where the ball bounced and it quite literally changed the complexion of my life.  

Becoming a professional athlete is everything you think it would be—consisting of early mornings, late nights, thousands of hours of hard work and plenty of adversity along the way. During that time, I did a lot of winning and I earned that. However, winning at anything in life, isn't about you—it's about something far greater. 

My career has taught me about different people, how to understand them, how to get the most out of others and most importantly, how to create something that makes an impact, long after your time.

My Story

I was born and raised in a small town in New Jersey with dreams of achieving great things. Throughout my teenage years, my brother and I were raised by our single mother during a time where we had very little. I looked around and knew I wanted more for myself and those I cared for. Sports, basketball in particular, was my way forward. 


I went on to play at Stony Brook University in New York for five years, earning a degree in Sociology. I eventually went on to play ten years professionally around the world, competing throughout Europe and Australia. I attribute the longevity of that success not to my athletic abilities, but my understanding of people, the adaptability to each environment and the resilience I was forced to endure. 


During my playing career, I lost my mother to a difficult battle with cancer which changed the trajectory of my life. Despite having all of the tools to perform in front of tens of thousands of fans, I was underdeveloped as a human being and when that real life adversity hit, I didn’t understand how to deal with that emotional stress. Eighteen months later, that stress culminated into a cardiac episode in the middle of a game. I would go on to revive my career in Australia, playing six more seasons before retiring from the game that gave me so much. 

I understand the importance that every single person plays in a team. In sports, the most important players aren’t always the one’s who score the points. To win, it is about getting each individual to excel in their strengths, compliment others weaknesses and work in unison at the same pace. Understanding the value each individual plays to get the most out of the team was my super power during my playing career and is now what I bring to clients and audiences around the world. 


I now serve as a consultant and speaker, helping organizations win by educating others on how to leverage their own personal strengths, improve resilience in times of adversity, creating better synergy within a group and ultimately a winning culture that promotes sustainability. I work with the Dallas Mavericks, Olympians and high powered corporate organizations to take them to the next level. 


I have long seen performance to be comprehensive, not just the final score when the clock hits triple zeroes. That's why I took everything I learned from my time as a professional athlete and put it into clear, repeatable and measurable steps that are relatable to everyone. Many great leaders, whether it be coaches, CEO's or those in the military, talk about having a culture that is built on trust and I couldn't agree more. The foundations of trust, aren't built on the same pillars for everyone, though.


Building trust and creating sustainable performance doesn't have to take as long as we think. This is where I come in. 


Yes, it is important to have the right people in place but that is only half the battle and in an ideal world, we would have the best people and perfect fits in our organizations.


 I use a unique personality assessment, trusted by the top sporting organizations in the world, to give insights into how each individual thinks, communicates, handles adversity and much more. This gives insights into the strengths of your team, teaches individuals how to best leverage those strengths and how to improve the areas that need to be bridged. 




Creating connection and synergy within a group is essential to both the outcome and the consistency of your results. I specialize in creating connection, mending 'prickly' relationships and creating a clear common-ground for individuals to work with. 


Using the personality assessments previously noted, we are able to achieve exceptional results because with connection, comes trust and understanding exactly how to build that trust is what sets me apart from other consultants. 


Everyone wants to win and the truth is, everyone can. However, creating sustainable results has as much to do with how you perform when the lights are brightest, as it does when no one is watching. 


In today's society, we have more responsibilities than ever, all of which are under the microscope of social media. With that kind of accessibility, comes the increased need to develop who we are holistically. I pin point SEVEN areas of needed development to reduce stress, improve well-being and further develop the human component. Better humans = better results. 

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