School Speaker
Inspire your students with engaging talks from Eric, who uses his experiences as a professional athlete to engage students, blending his insights on well-being with strategies for achieving their goals. Eric's sessions highlight the importance of balance, resilience, and goal-setting to help students thrive academically and personally. By sharing real-life experiences and practical tips, Eric's unique ability to empower students to reach their full potential by connecting to them and understanding their stories is what will allow your school to elevate.
Win Well. Win Like A P.R.O.
When I was going through college, I heard the same thing constantly, "If you want to become a pro one day, you need to approach the game like a pro today!" At 17 years old, I didn't really understand what that meant, however as my career went on and I left the game all together, understanding what being a PRO really is became abundantly clear and it is something I wish I had laid out clearly for me long before I was forced to figure it out myself.
Being a P.R.O. is simply broken down as:
P[repared] - 93% of Olympic athletes believe preparation is the key to feeling confident in competition.
R[esilient] - adversity, failure and setbacks are always going to be part of the journey. Having the tools to handle them is key.
O[pportunistic] - teaching the young generation to put themselves out there, pour themselves into the situations that are presented and to squeeze as much juice out of the proverbial fruit as they can.
I look back on my own education and sporting career, and it disappoints me how much 'juice' I left unsqueezed, how many opportunities I didn't pursue and how much growth I could have achieved in those times. Providing not only the tools but a positive role model for students and the future of society is a responsibility I do not take lightly. It would be a privilege to add value to your student body and give them the tools and be the role model I wish I had at their age.